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Investment grants for Saxony's economy available again

State subsidies of around 52 million euros can still be approved for the economy in Saxony this year after the federal budget freeze is lifted. Time is of the essence.

Martin Dulig (SPD), Minister of Economic Affairs of Saxony.
Martin Dulig (SPD), Minister of Economic Affairs of Saxony.

The company - Investment grants for Saxony's economy available again

Saxony's Economics Minister Martin Dulig has welcomed the lifting of the federal government's budget freeze on subsidized economic projects. The freeze had led to uncertainties in the GRW investment program, the SPD politician told the German Press Agency. This has now been resolved. "That is the right thing to do. It is about sending signals of security to the economy and the people". The Saxon economy wants to invest, emphasized Dulig. There are significantly more applications than there is money available.

GRW stands for "Joint Task for the Improvement of Regional Economic Structures". It is financed half by the federal government and half by the state. The funds flow into investment projects by companies and into business-related infrastructure such as industrial estates. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, 52 million euros were temporarily blocked in Saxony.

The release by the federal government means that approvals can now be made again, it said. However, important time was lost at the end of the year due to the budget freeze. This had to be made up again. A total of 188 million euros was available for new approvals in the GRW area this year.

Even if funding is secured for the time being, it cannot be ruled out that adjustments will have to be made in the future, explained Dulig. "Not because of the budget crisis, but because there are significantly more applications than funds."

Overall, the mood in the Saxon economy is tense, said the minister. "That has something to do with a loss of confidence." The past few weeks and the uncertainty of the traffic light in the budget decisions had contributed to this. A great deal must now be invested in the economy and industry so that the upcoming changes can be managed. There is still a lot of uncertainty. "We are in a dip. Now it's about making sure that it is overcome quickly."

Read also:

  1. Martin Dulig, the SPD politician responsible for Saxony's economic affairs, expressed his approval towards the federal government lifting the budget freeze on subsidized economic projects, as it had caused uncertainties in the GRW investment program.
  2. Dulig emphasized that the Saxon economy is eager to invest, but there are more applications for funding than what is currently available due to the limitations of the GRW program, which is financed half by the federal government and half by the state.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that the budget freeze had resulted in a temporary blockage of 52 million euros in Saxony, which has now been unlocked following the federal government's release.
  4. Despite the current availability of funds, Dulig acknowledged that future adjustments may be required to accommodate the substantial number of applications, emphasizing that there is still considerable uncertainty in the Saxon economy.


