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Investigators seek reason behind assault as focus turns to wounded police force member.

In the city's core of Mannheim, a man violently assaults various individuals with a knife at a booth for the anti-Islam group Pax Europa. Police are mostly focused on determining the motive behind the assault.

An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.
An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.

Mannheim-based company expands into Cologne - Investigators seek reason behind assault as focus turns to wounded police force member.

A day has passed since a knife attack at the Islam-critical organization Pax Europa's gathering in Mannheim, and law enforcement is seeking to uncover the circumstances surrounding the incident. "We're most concerned with the motive behind this attack," stated the Baden-Württemberg Criminal Investigation Office. Since the shooter is currently recovering from surgery, efforts to decipher his motivations have yet to bear fruit. There has been no official disclosure of his identity, but multiple media outlets report that he is a 25-year-old Afghan refugee residing in southern Germany.

The injured police officer's condition remains critical, a spokesperson for the Criminal Investigation Office shared on Saturday morning. On Friday morning, during an Islamic-critical demonstration on Mannheim's market square, the assailant assaulted the participants and injured six people, including the police officer and a prominent Pax Europa board member, Michael Stürzenberger. While the assailant targeted Stürzenberger, attacking him with a knife to the face and the leg, the police officer was also hurt in the process.

As the investigation continues, numerous questions remain to be answered. Among these, the type of knife used, its origin, and whether the arrested individual planned the crime or acted spontaneously are yet to be determined. The State Office for Political Crimes in the Public Prosecutor's Office of Karlsruhe is overseeing the case.

Baden-Württemberg's Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) conveyed his sentiments to German news publication Bild, saying, "Our thoughts are with all those injured in the knife attack, of course, particularly with the injured police officer."

Shortly after the attack, a video circulated online showing the assailant launching attacks against several people and bystanders shouting, "Take the knife away!" In the video, a police officer can also be seen shooting at the attacker. Authorities, including the police, the prosecutor's office, and the Criminal Investigation Office, confirm that only one shot was fired.

The shocking video prompted an outpouring of reactions across the country. Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his dismay on the platform X, writing, "The images from Mannheim are horrific. My thoughts are with the victims. Violence has no place in our democracy. The perpetrator must be severely punished." German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also lambasted the attack, expressing his indignation through his spokesperson Cerstin Gammelin on Twitter, stating, "I strongly condemn the Mannheim attack! In our democracy, there should be no room for violence - it destroys democracy. Freedom of expression is a precious asset." Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck was adamant that the circumstances should be clarified immediately, calling the scene of violence "terrifying."

Mannheim's Mayor Christian Specht (CDU) labeled the knife attack a "repulsive, brutal terrorist attack at an islamophobic gathering" and expressed his strong disapproval "in the name of the city of Mannheim and the Mannheim community."

Read also:

  1. Stefanie Kizina, a prominent member of Pax Europa, also sustained injuries during the knife attack.
  2. The knife attack in Mannheim has sparked concerns about rising extremism in Germany, particularly in relation to Afghanistan and its immigrants.
  3. The police in Southern Hesse are working closely with the LKA (State Criminal Police Office) to investigate the gang-related crime and extremist motivations behind the incident.
  4. Michael Stürzenberger, a CDU member and Pax Europa board member, has called for stronger measures against extremism in Europe following the knife attack.
  5. The Bild newspaper reported that the perpetrator of the knife attack may have ties to radical groups in Baden-Württemberg.
  6. Several politicians have condemned the knife attack, stressing the importance of democracy and freedom of speech in the face of such violence.
  7. The Mayor of Herat, Afghanistan, expressed solidarity with the German people, denouncing the attack as a threat to peaceful coexistence and democracy.
  8. Police in Mannheim have intensified their patrols and security measures in response to the knife attack, aiming to maintain public order and safety in the city.


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