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Investigations into Last Generation: too much confiscated

Around 725,000 euros too much has been confiscated as part of the Bavarian investigations into the climate protection group Letzte Generation. The Munich Regional Court classified the sum as disproportionate, a press spokesperson for the court announced. The confiscation also affected the...

Activists from the "Last Generation" group protest at a street blockade in Nuremberg.
Activists from the "Last Generation" group protest at a street blockade in Nuremberg.

Climate protection group - Investigations into Last Generation: too much confiscated

Around 725,000 euros too much has been confiscated as part of the Bavarian investigations into the climate protection group Letzte Generation. The Munich Regional Court classified the sum as disproportionate, a press spokesperson for the court announced. The confiscation also affected the assets of uninvolved third parties. "Zeit Online" reported earlier.

The Munich Public Prosecutor General's Office is investigating climate activists from the Last Generation on suspicion of forming a criminal organization. As part of this, the Munich district court ordered the seizure of 794,289 euros from bank accounts in May. An association that acts as a kind of trustee for the Last Generation and other actors complained about this in court, as the court spokesperson said. Representatives of the association had argued that the actual assets of the climate protection group only amounted to just under 70,000 euros.

The regional court followed the argumentation in the ruling, which was issued on December 7.

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