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Investigations against employees of the Federal Foreign Office

The Federal Foreign Office is being criticized. Various public prosecutors are investigating following a complaint. According to media reports, it is about false documents for entry into Germany.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens).
Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens).

Crime - Investigations against employees of the Federal Foreign Office

The Berlin and Cottbus Prosecutor's Offices continue to investigate employees of the Foreign Office. This was confirmed by spokeswomen of the respective authorities on Wednesday. Protecting the investigations, no further comments could be made at this time, the Berlin spokeswoman said. Her colleague in Brandenburg made similar remarks.

According to a "Focus" report, employees of the Foreign Office led by Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) are suspected of having ordered employees in German embassies and consulates to issue entry permits to applicants with incomplete or apparently falsified documents. Thousands of people have entered the Federal Republic in this way over the past five years, writes "Focus".

Auswärtiges Amt: reacting to individual cases

A spokesperson for the Foreign Office stated that in the three known investigations by the Berlin and Cottbus Prosecutor's Offices, it concerns individual cases in which there are questions about the documents used for entry. The Foreign Office has reacted to the known individual cases with organizational measures.

Criminal complaint against employees of the Foreign Office

Around a year ago, the magazine "Cicero" reported on the proceedings regarding the suspicion of bribery. According to the Berlin Prosecutor's Office, the circumstances are "identical". "Cicero" had reported at the time that a former employee of the Federal Interior Ministry had filed a criminal complaint against responsible officials of the Foreign Office. The prosecution is investigating the suspicion of bribery in connection with the fact that an Afghan was to be brought to Germany.

In June 2023, the Berlin Prosecutor's Office announced that a preliminary finding had been made. The initiated investigation proceedings were still directed against Unknown at the time. That is no longer the case.

Focus report Cicero report

  1. Annalena Baerbock, the determined leader of the Foreign Office, is facing allegations following a "Focus" report, suggesting that her employees may have issued entry permits to foreigners with incomplete or falsified documents.
  2. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Cottbus, along with its Berlin counterpart, is diligently investigating these allegations, staying tight-lipped about the progress due to the sensitive nature of the case.
  3. The "Cicero" magazine reported last year about similar allegations concerning bribery within the Foreign Office, with the Berlin Prosecutor's Office confirming the similarities in circumstances.
  4. In response to these instances, the Foreign Office has taken organizational measures, addressing individual cases where the authenticity of entry documents has been questioned.
  5. As part of the Berlin Prosecutor's Office's ongoing investigation, a recent preliminary finding has been made, with potential responsibilities no longer remaining unidentified.

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