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Investigation into the death of a police trainer

Could the death of a young police officer during a night-time training march in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have been prevented? Possibly. Investigations should bring more clarity.

Files lie on the table before a trial in a district court.
Files lie on the table before a trial in a district court.

Public prosecutor's office - Investigation into the death of a police trainer

The public prosecutor's office in Stralsund is investigating five officers from the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state police force for a death that occurred during a training march in Bad Sülze around two years ago. In the course of detailed questioning of all participants in the night march, there were concrete indications that the participant in the training course who later died was in a "critical" state of health and that this may have been recognizable to the responsible instructors, the public prosecutor's office said.

The "Schweriner Volkszeitung" (SVZ) had previously reported accordingly on Tuesday. According to the report, the 24-year-old police officer from Hamburg had, among other things, had problems walking during the riot police exercise. He was so weak at times that he was unable to complete an intermediate exercise and had to be transported by his colleagues in a sling.

"It is therefore suspected that the responsible instructors could have averted the death of the participant if they had exercised the necessary care, for example by stopping the night march early and/or calling in medical assistance," the public prosecutor's office continued on request. Investigation proceedings have been initiated against the five people responsible on the initial suspicion of involuntary manslaughter.

The Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Greifswald was reportedly commissioned to provide a forensic medical opinion. The question is whether the death could have been avoided by an earlier intervention and whether those responsible could have recognized this. The relatives of the deceased would be informed of the current state of the investigation and the accused would be given the opportunity to comment.

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