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Investigation into the death of 21-year-old continues

Investigations are still ongoing following the death of a 21-year-old at an archaeological excavation site in Leimen (Rhine-Neckar district). The accident site has been cordoned off, a police spokeswoman announced on Thursday. In the coming days, the investigators will examine the scene of the...

A police patrol car with flashing blue lights.
A police patrol car with flashing blue lights.

Rhine-Neckar district - Investigation into the death of 21-year-old continues

Investigations are still ongoing following the death of a 21-year-old at an archaeological excavation site in Leimen(Rhine-Neckar district). The accident site has been cordoned off, a police spokeswoman announced on Thursday. In the coming days, the investigators will examine the scene of the accident again with the help of an expert. It had previously been examined by the criminal investigation department.

In the accident on Monday, a 21-year-old man was buried during archaeological excavation work. The spokeswoman was unable to say whether the man was a construction worker or a research assistant. However, he was part of the excavation team.

The accident happened at the bottom of a historic stone vaulted cellar. Soil and stones started to slide and buried the 21-year-old underneath them. Whether the rain of the previous days had softened the earth too much or the site was insufficiently secured still needs to be investigated, according to the spokesperson.

Immediately after the accident, the buried victim was rescued with an excavator. Resuscitation attempts by rescue workers were unsuccessful. The 21-year-old reportedly died later in hospital.

Police report

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