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Investigation into damage to natural gas pipeline

Is it a case of anti-constitutional sabotage? Small holes had previously been found in the pipeline in Schleswig-Holstein. Now it's the turn of the authorities in Karlsruhe.

Office of the Attorney General - Investigation into damage to natural gas pipeline

The Federal Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating suspected damage to the natural gas pipeline from Brunsbüttel to Hetlingen (Pinneberg district). According to a spokeswoman, the Karlsruhe authority has begun investigations on the initial suspicion of anti-constitutional sabotage. No further information would be provided at this time.

Several media outlets had reported that small holes had been drilled into the tube. The State Criminal Police Office of Schleswig-Holstein referred to the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office on request. The pipeline, which is not yet in operation, is intended to feed gas from the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Brunsbüttel (Dithmarschen district) into the national grid.

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