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Inventory of works of art in 100 churches planned

Art objects in 100 church buildings in the Altmark region are to be systematically recorded over the next two years. The Saxony-Anhalt State Administration Office is providing 85,000 euros for this purpose, as announced by the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM) on Tuesday. Accordingly,...

Light casts the shadow of a cross through a church window.
Light casts the shadow of a cross through a church window.

Altmark - Inventory of works of art in 100 churches planned

Art objects in 100 church buildings in the Altmark region are to be systematically recorded over the next two years. The Saxony-Anhalt State Administration Office is providing 85,000 euros for this purpose, as announced by the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM) on Tuesday. Accordingly, 41 churches in the Stendal church district and 59 churches in Salzwedel will be inventoried.

"A detailed overview of art and cultural assets is essential, as they are often of considerable sentimental and material value," explained Diana Seeber-Grundmann, who is responsible for the inventory of art assets in the northern region at the EKM regional church office. The works of art are measured, described, photographed, assessed for damage and, if necessary, the risk of theft is assessed.

According to the EKM, 1288 churches in Saxony-Anhalt have already been inventoried. The overview compiled serves to preserve, research and protect the valuable holdings.

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