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Inundated basements and roads in Swabia

Due to nonstop rainfall, the river Zusam in Augsburg's district experienced overflowing streambanks, submerging streets in the local market town and certain basements. Yet, there were no significant harm or injuries reported by the police on a Saturday morning. Per the Bavarian Flood...

Water has burst its banks. Flooding is expected after the heavy rainfall of the last few days.
Water has burst its banks. Flooding is expected after the heavy rainfall of the last few days.

Inundation - Inundated basements and roads in Swabia

Over the coming weekend, much of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are forecasted to receive heavy, continuous rain. The German Meteorological Service (DWD) has issued a warning with the highest alert level, meaning that some areas could see rainfall of up to 120 liters per square meter.

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