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Intruders make off with 27 containers of peanuts from automated dispensers

Two individuals allegedly possessed a considerable appetite for snacks, reportedly breaking into and depleting the contents of a nut vending machine.

Two alleged burglars are reportedly responsible for pilfering 27 containers of peanuts from a...
Two alleged burglars are reportedly responsible for pilfering 27 containers of peanuts from a dispensing machine.

- Intruders make off with 27 containers of peanuts from automated dispensers

Strange Haul: Law enforcement officials found 27 peanut containers on two suspected burglars in Mönchengladbach. As per police reports, an eyewitness spotted two suspects running away from a 24-hour operational convenience store. The notified officers eventually located the two individuals, aged 38 and 41, nearby the crime scene. One of them was carrying a bag stuffed with peanut containers. Preliminary investigations indicate that the duo had attempted to break into a nut snack vending machine within the shop. Legal proceedings against the suspects have commenced. The reason behind their nut collection remains a mystery, according to police.

The attempted break-in at the convenience store could be classified as a crime. The peanut containers found on the suspects suggest they might have been planning to sell or use the nuts illicitly.

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