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Intoxicated aviator causes disturbance and aircraft uproar, leading to detention

In the absence of beer, a traveler aboard a flight from London to the Greek isle of Kos becomes enraged. The flight necessitates a layover in Munich due to the outburst.

- Intoxicated aviator causes disturbance and aircraft uproar, leading to detention

On the idyllic vacation spot of Kos, a British traveler landed in a Munich airport lockup. The 36-year-old sparked chaos on the aircraft following the flight crew's rejection of his demand for additional brews, prompting an unscheduled landing.

As per law enforcement, the guy pursued the flight staff throughout the airplane's aisle, repeatedly pleading for alcohol. He subsequently slapped one of the women on the back of her head with his bare hand and hurled his cap at another. Upon the women's alerting the pilot via the in-flight phone, the man was alleged to have snatched the device from its holder. Fellow passengers intervened.

When the man declined to deboard the plane at Munich airport, officers were required to forcibly escort him out and detain him in a holding cell, where he persisted in resisting.

The man now stands accused of assault, property destruction, and obstructing law enforcement. A policeman and a flight attendant sustained minor injuries during the incident. After regaining sobriety, the man was freed.

Despite the man's misconduct leading to his arrest in Munich, authorities chose to send him back to his home in Bavaria for further proceedings. Despite the incident causing distress on the flight, the vacation in Bavaria's beautiful destinations remained undeterred for most of the other passengers.

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