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Intimate partner violence: 80 percent of victims are women

Saxony-Anhalt Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang speaks during a press
Saxony-Anhalt Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang speaks during a press

Intimate partner violence: 80 percent of victims are women

In Saxony-Anhalt, around 5100 cases of physical or sexualized intimate partner violence were recorded last year. Of these, 3977 women were victims. This corresponds to a share of around 80 percent, as the Ministry of the Interior announced on Saturday on the occasion of the International Day against Violence against Women. The crimes included stalking and harassment as well as domestic violence and rape. Four out of five victims nationwide are also women.

"The women affected need to know that they are not alone. Whether with the police or the numerous support facilities - no one should be afraid to seek or accept support," explained Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU). It is important to seek help as a first step and to file a complaint with the police. "Because domestic violence is not a trivial offense."

The crime statistics only reflect the crimes that are actually reported. In many cases, the crimes remain hidden and there is no prosecution or assistance at all, it was said. The police work with other players to provide information about risks and offers of help. In the state police, so-called victim protection officers are on hand to provide advice.

In 1999, the United Nations proclaimed the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women for the first time on November 25. The date refers to the day on which three female political activists from the Dominican Republic were murdered in 1960. The aim is to draw attention to the problem of gender-specific violence, combat the causes and empower women and girls.

Despite the high number of reported cases, many instances of intimate partner violence remain unreported, leaving numerous women vulnerable and isolated. In such situations, reaching out for help from the police or local support facilities can be crucial, as it highlights that victims are not alone in their struggle against this crime.


