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Interior Minister wants more border controls and rejections

Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann at a press conference in Nuremberg.

Interior Minister wants more border controls and rejections

Ahead of the Minister Presidents' Conference on migration, Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) has called for more border controls and rejection of migrants at the German border. "We need a significant restriction on the influx of refugees as quickly as possible," Herrmann told the German Press Agency on Friday. Increased controls at all German borders based on the Bavarian model are necessary. The federal police must be able to turn back asylum seekers there. The Conference of Minister Presidents will discuss the issue next Monday in Berlin.

Herrmann said that local authorities throughout Germany were at their limits in view of the number of refugees. Several district councils had already considered declaring a state of emergency. "If the number of arrivals remains high, there is a risk of being completely overwhelmed as early as December and January," said Herrmann. The negotiations with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on Monday must therefore produce tangible results. "Time is running out," said Herrmann.

Bavaria's Interior Minister also called for the federal government to contribute more to the refugee costs of the federal states and municipalities - even if "cash injections" alone could not solve the logistical problems. In addition to financing issues, Monday's meeting will also discuss whether cash payments for asylum seekers should be replaced by a payment card and benefits in kind. Herrmann spoke out in favor of a significant reduction in social benefits.

In addition, the repatriation of rejected asylum seekers must be significantly faster. The federal government is "turning a deaf ear to the demands of all German state premiers to examine the establishment of federal departure centers at airports", criticized Hermann. In view of the high number of Turkish asylum seekers, he also called for negotiations at federal level with Turkey. "However, a lack of economic prospects is not a reason to flee," said Herrmann. "This must be solved locally."

The call for more border controls and asylum seeker rejections by Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) extends to all German borders, aiming to alleviate the strain on local authorities dealing with refugee influx. Despite the consideration of declaring a state of emergency in several districts, Herrmann emphasizes the urgency of reducing refugee influx to prevent an imminent state of being overwhelmed by December or January.




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