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Interior Minister urges caution with fireworks

Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens has called on people to be cautious with New Year's Eve fireworks due to the tense flood situation in the state. The fire departments are working hard, said the SPD politician on Sunday in Verden. "That's why I'm asking all citizens to be...

Rockets in retail stores.
Rockets in retail stores.

Due to flooding - Interior Minister urges caution with fireworks

Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens has called on people to be cautious with New Year's Eve fireworks due to the tense flood situation in the state. The fire departments are working hard, said the SPD politician on Sunday in Verden. "That's why I'm asking all citizens to be sensitive and careful with each other on New Year's Eve, especially when it comes to fireworks. Because the aid workers, the emergency services and the rescue services are busy dealing with the floods." Other problems should be kept away from the emergency services as far as possible.

Behrens also lamented the careless way in which some people dealt with the floods. He said that the population was very willing to help. "But unfortunately we also have some people who are involved in disaster tourism, who go on dykes that are closed, who drive on roads that are closed, who don't follow the rules," said Behrens. She called on people to pay attention to the barriers. "It's no fun, it's life-threatening," said the Minister.

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