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Interior Minister Faeser emphasizes that security will be given "utmost importance" during the European Football Tournament.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) considers security at the European Football Championships in Germany a top priority. In an interview with North Rhine-Westphalia's Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) on Tuesday, she stated that the current security situation is somewhat tense. Authorities...

Central EM situation center of the police in Neuss
Central EM situation center of the police in Neuss

Interior Minister Faeser emphasizes that security will be given "utmost importance" during the European Football Tournament.

During June 14th - July 14th, the European Football Championship will take place. The host cities are Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Dortmund, Leipzig, Gelsenkirchen, Stuttgart, and Dusseldorf. Over 2.7 million people are projected to attend the stadiums, while there could be over 12 million visitors at fan miles and festivals, according to Faeser.

When it comes to the risk posed by the Islamic State in Afghanistan and Central Asia (ISPK), the biggest threat originates from this offshoot of the jihadist militia, Faeser stated. However, the security challenges at the EM are numerous and diverse. They range from violent offenders like hooligans to issues related to cybersecurity.

Faeser affirmed that there would be a "high presence" of police around areas with large crowds. The tournament is going to be "a major effort" for the police forces in both federal and state governments. "It won't be a walk in the park," acknowledged Reul, discussing the challenges for the deployment teams. All available forces will be employed, and the security authorities are "as well-prepared as possible."

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