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Interior Minister denounces errors in psychiatric treatment of Paris attacker

Following the fatal knife attack on a German-Filipino tourist in Paris, France's Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has accused the attacker's doctors of making mistakes in his psychiatric treatment. "There was obviously a failure", Darmanin told the BFMTV channel on Monday. "The doctors...

Police at the scene of the
Police at the scene of the

Interior Minister denounces errors in psychiatric treatment of Paris attacker

Government spokesman Olivier Véran rejected mistakes in dealing with the perpetrator, who was known to be radicalized and psychologically unstable. "His obligation to undergo treatment for three years was respected," emphasized Véran. "However, this did not stop him from killing. The question is whether we need to change the legal situation to prevent something like this," said the government spokesperson.

According to investigators, the 26-year-old attacker attacked a small group of Filipino tourists near the Eiffel Tower on Saturday evening with a hammer and a knife. When a cab driver tried to intervene, he shouted "Allah is great". A 23-year-old man, who has German and Filipino citizenship, succumbed to his injuries.

The 26-year-old, who was arrested after the attack, was sentenced to five years in prison in 2016 for planning an attack in the La Défense business district of Paris, four of which he served. Due to persistent psychological problems, the public prosecutor's office ordered psychiatric treatment, which ended last April. According to information from investigators, the doctors certified at the time that he posed no danger. Since then, according to the public prosecutor's office, he has been under observation by the secret service.

According to the French anti-terrorism prosecutor's office, he declared his allegiance to the jihadist militia Islamic State (IS) in a video. The police incapacitated him with an electric pistol and he is currently in police custody. The anti-terrorism public prosecutor's office is investigating him for murder with a terrorist background.

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