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Interior Minister Behrens poses that the issue isn't primarily centered around asylum.

The aftermath of the incident in Solingen has significant consequences. Before convening with figures from the traffic light coalition, labor unions, and federal states on migration policy, the Interior Minister of Lower Saxony delivers unequivocal remarks.

Federal and state administrations find themselves tackling a significant collaborative undertaking,...
Federal and state administrations find themselves tackling a significant collaborative undertaking, according to Behrens.

- Interior Minister Behrens poses that the issue isn't primarily centered around asylum.

In the discussion about stricter deportations, Daniela Behrens, the Interior Minister of Lower Saxony from the SPD party, doesn't have any issues with asylum law. She suggested, "Instead, we should focus on ensuring that individuals without asylum status can return to their home countries." She'll be having a discussion today with the traffic light coalition, the Union, and various federal states, discussing the repercussions of the suspected Islamist attack in Solingen.

Behrens stated, "We share the common goal of being more effective in implementing asylum law and deportations." She pointed out that the main hurdles are in the practical implementation of these legal regulations. Germany depends on collaboration with the home countries of asylum seekers. "We need more such agreements with these countries," Behrens insisted.

To achieve this, such agreements need to be finalized at the federal level. It's equally crucial to strengthen cooperation with eastern European neighbors for facilitating Dublin transfers, Behrens emphasized. These are regulations that permit deporting asylum seekers to other European countries responsible for them. This was the situation with the suspected attacker from Solingen, who should have been deported to Bulgaria.

Expected attendees at today's meeting in Berlin include Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP), and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) from the federal government. Apart from Behrens, Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil (SPD) is also anticipated - Lower Saxony is currently managing the work of the SPD-led states.

Behrens mentioned that Germany could benefit from more agreements with home countries, such as The Hanover, to facilitate easier deportations of individuals without asylum status. In the course of her preparations for today's meeting, Behrens highlighted the importance of strengthening cooperation with Eastern European neighbors, aimed at improving Dublin transfers to manage asylum seekers more effectively.

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