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Interior Minister: Almost all of Lower Saxony is under water

After days of continuous rainfall, the flood situation remains critical, especially in Lower Saxony. "We have a very, very tense situation," said the state's Interior Minister, Daniela Behrens (SPD), on Deutschlandfunk radio on Friday. Almost all of Lower Saxony is under water. Around 100,000...

Work on a dike in
Work on a dike in

Interior Minister: Almost all of Lower Saxony is under water

There is "really no relief in sight yet", added the SPD politician. According to the weather forecast, there will be more rain and storms over the next few days. This will not ease the situation, but rather "exacerbate it in one place or another".

According to the administration, the flood situation was "still tense" in the municipality of Lilienthal in Lower Saxony, for example. The local council issued a general decree banning the setting off of fireworks on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day to protect the emergency services from additional deployments.

In Flotwedel, in the district of Celle in Lower Saxony, the situation was also "still critical" according to the fire department. The flood operation was said to be ongoing. On Thursday evening, residents of individual streets were evacuated and mobile dykes were set up.

The Hanover police reported a canoe with two people missing. It had been discovered in the flooded area of the River Leine, but had not been seen again. The fire department initiated search measures, but these were unsuccessful.

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