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Interactive map for routes to daycare facilities

New portal launched: an interactive map application from the State Statistical Office shows the accessibility of 1816 daycare facilities in Saxony-Anhalt. It shows the accessibility of the nearest childcare facility on foot, by bicycle and by car, as the Saxony-Anhalt State Statistical Office...

A traffic sign with the words "Kindergarten" in front of a daycare center.
A traffic sign with the words "Kindergarten" in front of a daycare center.

Social affairs - Interactive map for routes to daycare facilities

New portal launched: an interactive map application from the State Statistical Office shows the accessibility of 1816 daycare facilities in Saxony-Anhalt. It shows the accessibility of the nearest childcare facility on foot, by bicycle and by car, as the Saxony-Anhalt State Statistical Office announced on Friday. On average, the nearest childcare facility in Saxony-Anhalt can be reached in 14 minutes by bike, in 3 minutes by car and in over 30 minutes on foot.

Interactive map

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. Parents in Saxony-Anhalt can now easily plan their commute to daycare facilities using the new interactive map application from the State Statistical Office, as the nearest facilities are accessible by car, bike, or even on foot, ensuring improved family accessibility.
  2. The State Office in Saxony-Anhalt launched an innovative tool, allowing families in the region to assess the accessibility of 1816 daycare facilities, ensuring that children from all parts of Saxony-Anhalt, including rural areas, have equal opportunities for social development.
  3. With the interactive map application, families in Saxony-Anhalt can now assess the travel time to the nearest daycare facilities using different modes of transport, such as a car, bike, or even by foot, promoting active lifestyles and reducing carbon emissions among children and parents.
  4. The new interactive map application from the State Statistical Office in Saxony-Anhalt aims to promote childcare accessibility, ensuring that children from families who rely on car transportation, as well as those who prefer active modes of travel like biking, have equal opportunities in their social development.


