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Intense heat reaches up to 33 degrees in Berlin and Brandenburg, accompanied by potential thunderstorms.

Berlin and Brandenburg temperatures remain on an upward trend. Afternoon is forecasted to bring thunderstorms, with a likelihood of intense rainfall and hailstorms.

Intense heat of up to 33 degrees Celsius anticipated in Berlin and Brandenburg. Thunderstorms and...
Intense heat of up to 33 degrees Celsius anticipated in Berlin and Brandenburg. Thunderstorms and powerful windbursts are predicted, predominantly affecting the western regions of Brandenburg.

- Intense heat reaches up to 33 degrees in Berlin and Brandenburg, accompanied by potential thunderstorms.

Scorching temperatureshit Berlin and Brandenburg. The morning is radiant, but stormy downpours and thunderstorms laden with torrential rain are forecast, predominantly in the western regions of Brandenburg, as per the German Meteorological Service (DWD). Sustained winds and hail could blow in some areas as well. The mercury will hover around the 30 to 33 degree Celsius mark.

Tuesday night promises a predominantly clear sky, though initial thunderstorms might persist, followed by occasional showers. Fog might form in certain localities, with overnight temperatures ranging from 16 to 20 degrees Celsius.

Wednesday could witness temperatures soaring to 35 degrees Celsius. Sunshine will prevail along the Oder and Neiße rivers till dusk, elsewhere the sky will be partly cloudy. Heavy downpours and thunderstorms might make an isolated appearance in western Brandenburg. The temperature trajectory will keep ascending, with the highs hitting the 31 to 35 degree Celsius mark.

Throughout the night, the sky will be partly cloudy near the Saxony-Anhalt border, with a slim chance of rain and thunderstorms. Elsewhere, the sky will remain clear. Temperatures will retreat to the 16 to 19 degree Celsius range.

Despite the predicted soaring temperatures of up to 35 degrees Celsius on Wednesday, the German Meteorological Service (DWD) warns of heavy downpours and thunderstorms making an isolated appearance in western Brandenburg. These weather conditions might impact some of the DWD's weather monitoring stations or equipment in the region.

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