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Integration Commissioner launches campaign against exclusion

Refugee initiatives see migration policy primarily as exclusion and isolation. The Integration Commissioner wants to set an example for an open society.

The State Commissioner for Integration launches a campaign for an open society and against...
The State Commissioner for Integration launches a campaign for an open society and against intolerance (archive photo)

Society - Integration Commissioner launches campaign against exclusion

The State Integration Commissioner Diana Gonzalez Olivo begins a campaign a few months before the state election for an open society and against intolerance. "While others call for exclusion and seclusion, we are betting on courage and confidence to move Brandenburg together," the announcement states. The campaign "Movement, Brandenburg!" is intended to stand for a land that "grows together and remains human." Initiatives, associations, and companies are encouraged to support this engagement, for example, in the field of refugee work.

The action will be organized in cooperation with the Foundation for Engagement and Education and will begin on July 9. On that Tuesday, the Integration Commissioner will make a statement with a flashmob at the Brandenburg Gate in Potsdam. Choirs and an orchestra will perform Beethoven's "Ode to Joy," which is also the European anthem. Brandenburg's Integration Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) will also be present at the event.

Additionally, a website ( will be launched. Volunteers and welcome initiatives in refugee work can apply for funding for actions until the end of September.

The native Mexican Gonzalez Olivo took office as Integration Commissioner in May. She advises the state government on migration policy matters and supports refugee work in Brandenburg.

With an AfD victory in the European and municipal elections three and a half months before the state election, Brandenburg has clearly shifted to the right. In polls for the state election on September 22, the AfD is leading. The Brandenburg Constitutional Protection Agency classifies the AfD state association as a suspected right-wing extremist organization.

  1. The campaign "Movement, Brandenburg!" initiated by Integration Commissioner Diana Gonzalez Olivo in Brandenburg is focused on encouraging society to work together towards integration, opposing calls for exclusion and seclusion.
  2. In her statement at the Brandenburg Gate in Potsdam on July 9, Gonzalez Olivo will advocate for an open society in cooperation with a foundation, using Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as a symbol of unity during the campaign event.
  3. As the migration policy advisor for the Brandenburg state government and supporter of refugee work, Gonzalez Olivo is urging volunteers and welcome initiatives in refugee work to apply for funding on the newly launched website ( before the end of September.
  4. Despite the rise of right-wing extremist groups, such as the AfD, which is currently leading in polls for the state election on September 22, Gonzalez Olivo remains committed to fostering an inclusive society in Brandenburg, emphasizing the importance of integration in the migration policy discussions she leads for the government.

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