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Insults targeting Jews during a Stolperstein installation ceremony.

"Canvas markers commemorating slain Jews are placed in Pforzheim, prompting an incident where a man reportedly yelled foul, bigoted insults. Authorities examine the occurrence."

Ein Mann geht an Stolpersteinen vorbei.
Ein Mann geht an Stolpersteinen vorbei.

Pforzheim, the city where... - Insults targeting Jews during a Stolperstein installation ceremony.

During the moving of Stolpersteine, which are stones to remember Jews who were deported and killed during the Nazi period, there was an alleged hateful occurrence with offensive language in Pforzheim. Authorities are exploring a claim against a man for inciting intolerance, shared a police spokesperson on Tuesday. This event went down in mid-May, previously reported by the "Pforzheimer Zeitung."

"We had positioned the stones and once we were finished, a man approached and inquired if it was about Jews," shared Hans Mann of "Initiative Stolpersteine Pforzheim" with the German Press Agency. Upon hearing yes, this man started cursing and referred to the attendees as "shitty Jews," "people murderers," as well as suggested that all Jews should be shot and killed. "He was extremely rude, cursed us all and almost got physical." It almost turned into a brawl before the man departed.

Based on what Hans Mann reported, on top of school children and other listeners, there were eight relatives of the murdered individuals who had traveled particularly to Germany for the laying of the Stolpersteine. "They were highly impacted." The following day, a complaint was filed. The authorities are currently attempting to uncover witnesses, reported their spokesperson.

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