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Institute for Early Music to be closed

There were plenty of protests against the plans, but now it is a done deal.

The liquidation of the Early Music Department at the Hochschule für Musik has provoked much...
The liquidation of the Early Music Department at the Hochschule für Musik has provoked much protest.

Music academies - Institute for Early Music to be closed

The Music University Franz Liszt Weimar will continue the Old Music department despite criticism. The latest intake of new students was announced by the university for the summer semester 2026. There was much protest against the plans to close the institute before.

Institute Closure Part of Restructuring

The decision is part of a structural and development plan that the University Senate and Academic Council approved on Monday for the years 2026 to 2030. Among the planned changes is the expansion of study offerings in Music Education.

"The task of the coming years is to consolidate the financially strained budget of the university while ensuring a meaningful future development," said the Vice President for Studies and Teaching, Dagmar Brauns, in a statement. "There is a significant shortage of expertise in German music schools, and there are too few teachers for the Music field," said Juan Garcia, Vice President for artistic Practice and Research. It is the responsibility of the university to counteract this development.

Low Student Numbers

The closure of the Old Music Institute is justified by the university presidium mainly due to low student numbers. The interest in study programs is relatively low. In addition, there were insufficient funds to make the institute competitive. However, the study offerings will remain until all students have graduated. The professorships will not be filled when they become vacant due to age.

Students and renowned musicians and musicians had spoken out against winding down the department with study programs such as Baroque Instruments. An open petition against the closure on the internet counted over 31,000 signatures last. The institute is described as "a heart piece of the rich Baroque music in Thuringia" in the petition.

  1. Despite the criticism and protests from students and renowned musicians, the Music University Franz Liszt Weimar in Thuringia will still continue its Old Music department in the future, despite the low student numbers and insufficient funding.
  2. The University of Weimar's decision to close the Old Music Institute is due to the institute's low student numbers and insufficient funds, but they plan to expand study offerings in Music Education as part of their strategic plan.
  3. In response to the proposed closure of the Old Music Institute at the Music University Franz Liszt Weimar, student signatures from around the world reached over 31,000 on an online petition, describing the institute as a "heart piece of the rich Baroque music in Thuringia."

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