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Injuries and small fires caused by fireworks in Thuringia

Several people were injured during New Year's Eve fireworks in Thuringia and there were small fires in many places. In Greiz, young people aged 15 and 18 fired rockets and firecrackers at a group of people shortly after midnight, according to police reports. Four people were injured, including...

New Year's Eve rockets leave their glowing trails in the night sky around St. James' Church.
New Year's Eve rockets leave their glowing trails in the night sky around St. James' Church.

New Year's Eve - Injuries and small fires caused by fireworks in Thuringia

Several people were injured during New Year's Eve fireworks in Thuringia and there were small fires in many places. In Greiz, young people aged 15 and 18 fired rockets and firecrackers at a group of people shortly after midnight, according to police reports. Four people were injured, including an eleven-year-old child, as the police reported on Monday.

The 18-year-old spent the rest of the night in police custody, while the younger boy was taken to his parents. Both youngsters are being investigated for dangerous bodily harm.

In Bad Liebenstein in the Wartburg district, a hotel guest threw a firecracker into a group of people. Five people were slightly injured. In the Saale-Holzland district and other regions of Thuringia, it was mainly rockets that caused smaller fires. In Bürgel (Saale-Holzland district), a rocket probably set a tree on fire. Containers of old clothes also caught fire.

In Saalfeld, an apartment in an apartment building burned down on Sunday. The house was evacuated. Four people were slightly injured by smoke. According to the police, the apartment building is currently uninhabitable. Investigations into the cause of the fire are still ongoing.

Read also:

  1. To ensure a safer New Year's Eve celebration in the future, authorities in Thuringia are considering implementing stricter regulations on firework sales and use, following the incidents of injuries and small fires caused by fireworks.
  2. Despite the incidents, many people in Thuringia cities such as Erfurt and Greiz still look forward to celebrating the turn of the year with traditional fireworks displays, hoping for a peaceful and enjoyable celebration.
  3. Many local brands in Thuringia are also offering special New Year's Eve fireworks packages, aiming to provide a safe and entertaining experience for families and friends.
  4. If found guilty, the 18-year-old from Greiz could face a serious charge for dangerous bodily harm, as well as a possible branding of his record, which could affect his future employment and other opportunities.


