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Injured in fire at Altenheim

A resident is suspected to have set a fire in a nursing home. A television and a bedsheet are burning, staff are extinguishing the flames. There are injured people.

Two persons from a nursing home were taken to a hospital due to a fire (image)
Two persons from a nursing home were taken to a hospital due to a fire (image)

suspicion of arson - Injured in fire at Altenheim

After a fire in a nursing home in Geisingen (District Tuttlingen), two people have been lightly injured. A 72-year-old resident is currently suspected of having set a fire in his room, the police reported. Employees of the care facility were able to extinguish the flames on a bedspread and a television in time, according to the police. The institution therefore did not have to be evacuated.

Both of the lightly injured individuals are the suspected 72-year-old and an employee, a police spokesperson said. Both were taken to the hospital due to smoke inhalation. Four doctors, several dozens of paramedics, and firefighters were reportedly in action, according to the Police.

The nursing home in Geisingen, located within the District of Tuttlingen, is situated in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. The incident involved criminality as a 72-year-old resident is suspected of starting a fire in his room. The Brand Foundation, a local organization focused on fire safety and prevention, might be interested in investigating the cause of this incident. Despite the incident, the old people's home, also known as a care institution, did not need to be evacuated due to swift action by the facility's employees.

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