- Initiative commences for on-site substance analysis in Rostock
Preliminary Study for Drug Evaluation: Rostock to Provide Drug Testing for Damage Mitigation
A preliminary study is set to be initiated in Rostock, giving drug users the chance to have their substances analyzed for harm reduction purposes. Following initial mobile services provided at festivals, a drug-testing clinic will commence in Rostock as part of this preliminary study, as announced by Health Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD).
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania became the first federal state to establish the necessary legal framework for such drug-checking initiatives in May. The Ministry of Health and the University Medicine Rostock will now collaborate with the Caritas association for substance analysis.
Drese: Necessary Step to Minimize Drug-Related Damage
"Regrettably, various psychoactive substances with dangerous mixes are circulating in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Drug-checking programs serve as a necessary step to minimize the harm caused by drug use," stated Drese.
The new facility will be situated at the local drug contact point of the Catholic welfare association Caritas in Rostock. "This is an advantage, as it directly connects drug users with the counseling services and assistance provided by Caritas," Drese shared.
During drug-checking, substances bought on the black market can be tested for purity, essentially helping prevent deaths. The process also allows for the identification of harmful substances within the drugs themselves, as well as risks stemming from impurities or excessive concentrations. Visitors of the Fusion Festival in Lärz had the opportunity to have their drugs tested for purity in a matter of minutes back in June.
The Commission, which will assist in this drug evaluation preliminary study, will primarily comprise of members from the Member States. After the announcement by Health Minister Stefanie Drese, the Member States will collaborate with the University Medicine Rostock and the Caritas association for substance analysis in the upcoming drug-testing clinic in Rostock.