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Initiative calls for an election for a cosmopolitan Pirna

An alliance of associations, companies and the Protestant church would like to see Pirna remain a cosmopolitan city even after the mayoral election on Sunday. "Cosmopolitanism, mutual understanding and respect are the values on which the prosperity and reputation of our city are built -...

Elections - Initiative calls for an election for a cosmopolitan Pirna

An alliance of associations, companies and the Protestant church would like to see Pirna remain a cosmopolitan city even after the mayoral election on Sunday. "Cosmopolitanism, mutual understanding and respect are the values on which the prosperity and reputation of our city are built - especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers, this is more important than ever," it said in an appeal published on Tuesday. Tourism can also only flourish if cosmopolitanism is practiced and extremism is clearly rejected.

The AfD has a promising candidate in the race. Master carpenter and restorer Tim Lochner is not a member of the AfD, but is standing for the party. In the first round of voting, he was well ahead with just under 33% of the vote. In the second round, he is still up against two opponents. The previous third-placed candidate - Kathrin Dollinger-Knuth from the CDU (20.3%) - is supported by two candidates who are not running again. The third candidate is Ralf Thiele (Freie Wähler), who achieved the second-best result in the first round with 23.2 percent.

Lochner's name is not mentioned in the election appeal for a cosmopolitan Pirna. He does not perceive Pirna's urban society as being superficially divided. "Those political forces that most often talk about overcoming them are usually the most eager to contribute to division - whether consciously or unconsciously. Incidentally, the best way to overcome them is to listen to each other more, refrain from personal attacks and at least examine the arguments of others fairly," he said on Tuesday when asked.

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