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Initial testimony given in legal case against Prince Reuss organization.

Nine individuals face charges in Frankfurt for purportedly planning a coup. The opening phase of testimony in the extensive trial took on a complicated nature.

Vitalia B. (M), partner of the main defendant Prince Reuß, is led into the courtroom.
Vitalia B. (M), partner of the main defendant Prince Reuß, is led into the courtroom.

On Wednesday, the initial witness testimony in the Frankfurt terror trial played out, where a group of "Reichsbürger" individuals are on trial. An employee at the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) gave evidence at the Higher Regional Court regarding the investigation on the personal connections of defendant and ex-Bundeswehr officer Maximilian Eder. This took place in the lead-up to a massive raid on the so-called "Reichsbürger" group in December 2022, which resulted in the nine suspects remaining in detention since then.

Based on the investigation, authorities suspected Eder might have had a weapon, details about his military career, financial status, and vehicle collection. The witness shared that four guns were owned by Eder, but the authorization for gun ownership was revoked - occurring in 2021 and the weapons are now thought to be missing.

The criminal investigator also discussed social media videos, with some potentially made by Eder, and others showing him at anti-Coronavirus measures demonstrations. They noted that Eder had a strong urge to share his thoughts with many people.

The question-answer period was detailed. It initially tackled the lack of an approval statement signature from a superior in the presented document. However, the defense lawyers argued against this, but the court labeled the concerns as irrelevant. Following Eder's testimony, several defense counsels questioned the criminal investigator on the course of the investigation and who got involved.

Eder's legal team claimed that he had been part of the Bundeswehr for 38 years, fully adhering to the foundations of the Basic Law during that time. They argued such labels as "Reichsbürger" or "conspiracy theorists" did not suit him.

The nine individuals on trial in Frankfurt are charged with forming a terrorist group or supporting one. It's alleged that a coup was being plotted. Two investigators are due to testify about their personal relationships at the ongoing trial on Tuesday (4th June). Reuß, the accused ringleader, initially didn't want to make a statement - his defense shared.

Read also:

  1. The BKA employee testified about the extremist connections of Maximilian Eder, a former Bundeswehr officer, during the Frankfurt terror trial.
  2. In the terror trial, authorities are examining the role of Prince Reuss organization members, including Eder, who are accused of forming a terrorist group or providing support.
  3. Eder, a 'Reichsbürger' individual, is currently detained after a massive raid in December 2022 aimed at dismantling such extremist groups in Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany.
  4. During the raid, investigators seized several items, including Eder's vehicles, as part of the ongoing investigation into alleged terror activities and extreme ideologies.
  5. The BKA uncovered evidence suggesting Eder may have had access to weapons, details about his military career, and financial assets.
  6. Despite having revoked his gun ownership license in 2021, four firearms are believed to be missing from Eder's possession, raising concerns about the security of weapons in the hands of suspected extremists.
  7. Terrorism trials like this one contribute to Germany's ongoing efforts to combat extremist groups and related crimes, safeguarding the public and upholding the country's democratic values.
  8. Furthermore, the case underlines the importance of international cooperation between security agencies, such as the BKA, and other forces, like the German Armed Forces, in combating extremism, terrorism, and associated threats.




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