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Initial reception facilities still full

After a break in the distribution of refugees to the municipalities over the Christmas holidays, the state's initial reception facilities are still full. This is according to an overview from the Thuringian State Administration Office.

Migration - Initial reception facilities still full

After a break in the distribution of refugees to the municipalities over the Christmas holidays, the state's initial reception facilities are still full. This is according to an overview from the Thuringian State Administration Office.

As of Tuesday, 1345 people were housed in the refugee accommodation in Suhl. The facility is therefore considered to be full to the brim - the capacity limit in Suhl is 1400 for fire safety reasons. 126 people were accommodated in Eisenberg on Tuesday and 519 in Hermsdorf.

The conditions in the accommodation in Hermsdorf are considered particularly precarious. There have been repeated outbreaks of illness in the converted hall, with some people staying there for months, even though the emergency accommodation was once only intended to be used on a daily basis. A new shelter in Gera, where around 200 places for refugees are to be created in a former women's clinic, should soon provide a remedy.

Read also:

  1. Despite a temporary pause in refugee distribution during Christmas, Thuringia's migration offices continue to grapple with full initial reception facilities, including the one in Erfurt.
  2. The refugee accommodation in Erfurt, although not mentioned in the initial report, might also be facing similar overcrowding issues, contributing to the overall strain on the state's capacity to accommodate these migrants.
  3. On Christmas Day, there was a hope that the situation might have improved, but the communal dwellings in towns like Hermsdorf and Suhl remained filled beyond their designed limits.
  4. The migration crisis does not seem to pause for the festive season in Thuringia, with places like Suhl and Hermsdorf still relying on additional support and facilities to manage the influx of migrants.




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