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Inhabitant inflicts injuries on male and female residing in apartment complex.

An individual aged 63 is under suspicion for forcing entry into a residential property and inflicting harm upon its inhabitants during the night. Currently, this individual is being held by law enforcement authorities.

A trespasser inflicts harm upon two occupants of a residential complex in Ramstein.
A trespasser inflicts harm upon two occupants of a residential complex in Ramstein.

- Inhabitant inflicts injuries on male and female residing in apartment complex.

Some jerk broke into a dwelling in Ramstein-Miesenbach, part of the Kaiserslautern district. The 63-year-old suspect got apprehended right after the late-night incident, as per the Kaiserslautern police's spokesperson. At the moment, the perfidious criminal is under lock and key in police custody. The two homeowners, a 40-year-old lady and a 68-year-old gent, endured some minor injuries. Information regarding the specifics of their injuries and the potential weapon employed by the suspect was withheld immediately due to the active investigation. The investigation continues.

Upon searching the dwelling, policemen found valuable items missing, including the homeowners' prized aquarium containing other exotic fish. Despite the distressing event, the homeowners expressed gratitude for the quick response and professionalism of the Kaiserslautern police.

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