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Information about a threat: Christmas market in Göppingen cleared

Police evacuated a Christmas market in Göppingen on Saturday following a tip-off about a threatening situation. They received the tip-off at 7.40 p.m. and then decided to close the Christmas market quickly, said a spokesperson for the Ulm police in the evening. "Everything went calmly, orderly...

The police secure a scene.
The police secure a scene.

Police operation - Information about a threat: Christmas market in Göppingen cleared

Police cleared a Christmas market in Göppingen on Saturday following a tip-off about a threat. They received the tip-off at 7.40 pm and then decided to close the Christmas market quickly, said a spokesperson for the Ulm police in the evening. "It was all calm, orderly and without any problems." The spokesperson was unable to say how many people were on site. "Bild" initially reported on the incident.

The criminal investigation department had started the investigation. The spokesperson would not comment on whether it was a bomb threat. He also did not initially provide any further details about the background to the threat, citing tactical investigative reasons. The police were on site with strong forces and were providing security. A helicopter was also deployed in the evening.

They were also in contact with the town of Göppingen and the event organizer. From a police perspective, the Christmas market could reopen on Sunday, said the spokesperson.

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