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Info points for those affected in the Ahr valley remain in place

Flood-affected people in the Ahr valley can still get advice on reconstruction at information points. The contact points will be around for quite some time.

Heavy equipment is used to rebuild the railroad line along the Ahr.
Heavy equipment is used to rebuild the railroad line along the Ahr.

Flood disaster - Info points for those affected in the Ahr valley remain in place

Information Points as contact points for people affected by the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley will continue to exist at least until at least 30. June 2025. At six on-site locations, those affected can therefore continue to receive support and advice. The Information Points are located in the towns of Sinzig and Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, as well as in Altenahr and Schuld. In addition, there is a further contact point for all those affected in the Ahr Valley with the Johanniter-Fluthilfe in Dernau, which will also be continued.

The Information Points are offered by the ISB Rhineland-Palatinate together with the Rhineland-Palatinate Finance Ministry and the Crisis Response Team. "In particular, direct support on site has proven effective for complex issues," Finance Minister Doris Ahnen (SPD) stated.

At these locations, affected private individuals will receive assistance with applying for reconstruction aid for household and building damages. In 2023, there were still 17 Information Points in the Ahr Valley. The reconstruction after the flood disaster in mid-July 2021 is still ongoing and is expected to last three years longer.

  1. The flood disaster in Rhineland-Palatinate's Ahr Valley significantly impacted many residents, and the Information Points continue to serve as vital contact points for affected individuals until June 2025, especially in Mainz's neighboring towns like Sinzig and Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler.
  2. In addition to the on-site Information Points, those in need can also seek assistance from the Johanniter-Fluthilfe contact point in Dernau, offering continuous support to people affected by the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley.
  3. Despite the ongoing reconstruction efforts in the Ahr Valley, which started following the mid-July 2021 flood disaster, numerous disasters in the region have prolonged the recovery process, leading to an estimated three more years of reconstruction efforts.

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