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Influential Individuals to USBills a contemporary revamp for authorities

The State administration of Hesse is progressively utilizing influencers to connect with younger demographics and revamp the image of its establishments.

The government of Hesse is increasingly leaning on influencers to connect with their youth...
The government of Hesse is increasingly leaning on influencers to connect with their youth demographic.

- Influential Individuals to USBills a contemporary revamp for authorities

Businesses are increasingly utilizing influencers as brand representatives. Even the government of Hesse has been leaning more on influencer marketing to connect with young demographics and potential future talents, as suggested by a statement from the Hessian State Chancellery in response to an inquiry by the FDP faction in the Wiesbaden state parliament. According to this statement, the Hessian government has invested around 311,500 euros in influencer campaigns by the ministries of Interior, Finance, Social Affairs, and Culture since 2022.

The State Chancellery explains that partnering with influencers can help refresh an institution's image and present it as an appealing employee destination. Influencers typically enjoy a high level of trust among their followers, which can be beneficial when disseminating information.

The utilization of influencers allows for messages to reach a wider audience than would be attainable through conventional communication channels. These campaigns often target specific demographics, such as youth or specific professions.

For instance, the "The future needs you! Become a teacher in Hesse" campaign in 2023 successfully promoted the teaching profession. Influencers selected by the Ministry of Culture effectively amplified the reach of training and study offers through their substantial follower base in the target demographic, attracting new potential candidates. Instagram collaborations showcased the Hessian state administration as an appealing and contemporary employer among young target groups.

The State Chancellery shares that a multi-step process is typically followed to ensure a suitable presentation for the target demographic: "This includes thorough verification and selection of influencers along with a clear definition of goals, services, or quality requirements for the campaign or individual measures." The planning and implementation of content take place in close collaboration between the client and the contractor. "Only approved content is published and continuously monitored and evaluated."

Alexander Bleier, Associate Professor of Marketing at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, confirms observing the increasing importance of influencers for companies despite their lack of knowledge on the extent of authority use of influencers. He explains that individuals today trust corporate advertising less and less but trust influencers more and more.

Influencers act as a mediator between companies and customers. "In essence, this functions similar to a recommendation from a friend or another trusted individual. The endorsement of these figures is generally trusted more than that of a company."

The relevance of the client is irrelevant. "This can be anyone, as long as they can find an influencer who can convincingly convey the message to their target audience that the advertised product is attractive." Authenticity is crucial. "If the influencer lacks a genuine connection to what they are promoting, the likelihood of the campaign's success is low."

How do seemingly serious authorities and trendy influencers complement each other? "Influencers are not limited to hip teenagers focusing on fashion, fitness, music, tech, and lifestyle. There are very successful influencers who tackle topics such as taxes, investments, or literature," says Bleier.

He contends that the use of influencers is fundamentally strategically sound. "If you want effective communication, you must consider how and where to reach your target audience. I can run as many newspaper ads for the teaching profession as I want. If young people don't read the newspaper, I'm just wasting money," Bleier states. Moreover, there is mandatory advertising labeling for influencers as well. "Influencer marketing is not a trick or an unethical practice."

However, there is still uncertainty in pricing. There is limited experience with how much to invest in an influencer campaign and insufficient insights into how directly it impacts key performance indicators. "The inexperience leaves room for potential overpayment."

The investment in influencer marketing by the Hessian government underscores their belief in its future potential to reach and engage young demographics effectively. With the right influence, these campaigns can also shape the perception of traditional institutions, such as the teaching profession, as contemporary and appealing.

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