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Influential Democrats Schumer and Jeffries support Harris campaign

The two leading Democrats in the US Congress have pledged their support for Vice President Kamala Harris in her presidential campaign. The majority leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and the minority leader in the House of Representatives, Hakeem Jeffries, expressed their support for the...

US Vice President Harris
US Vice President Harris

Influential Democrats Schumer and Jeffries support Harris campaign

Schumer and Jeffries were among the last political heavyweights of the Democrats who had not publicly endorsed Harris up until now. After the withdrawal of US President Joe Biden from the race for the White House, his vice president is considered the favorite for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

Harris, according to her own statements, has already secured the support of sufficient delegates to be officially declared the nominee of the Democrats at the Chicago convention in August. According to her campaign team, she has raised more than a hundred million dollars in donations since the announcement of her candidacy.

Biden announced on Sunday, in the face of doubts about his mental and physical fitness, his resignation from his re-nomination bid and pledged his support to Harris. The 81-year-old had come under increasing criticism following a weak performance in a TV debate against Trump.

  1. In response to Biden's withdrawal, Chuck Schumer, a prominent figure in the Democrats and the Senate Majority Leader, expressed his support for Harris's presidential campaign.
  2. Hakeem Jeffries, a prominent Democrat and House Democrat Caucus Chairman, also joined Schumer in endorsing Harris, becoming influential voices in her bid for the US-President position.
  3. With Schumer and Jeffries' endorsements, Harris's presidential campaign gained momentum, potentially securing her position as the Democratic Party's nominee in the upcoming US Presidential election.
  4. As the favored Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris has the backing of influential figures like Schumer and Jeffries, which could help her navigate US Congress in her quest to serve as the US-President.
  5. The withdrawal of Biden from the presidential campaign and his endorsement of Harris marked a significant turning point in the election, with Harris poised to challenge Trump in the November election.
  6. The election will see Harris running against the incumbent US-President, Donald Trump, and his campaign, which has recently been facing allegations of financial mismanagement and misconduct.
  7. Jeffries, along with other Democratic leaders, has been actively campaigning for Harris, believing in her ability to bring about change and lead the US effectively as the US-President.

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