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Inflation rate likely to slow to 2.2 percent in June

The inflation rate is expected to have slowed to 2.2 percent in June. As the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden announced in an initial estimate on Monday, energy prices fell by 2.1 percent year-on-year, food prices rose by 1.1 percent and services increased by 3.9 percent.

Shopping cart in a supermarket in Berlin
Shopping cart in a supermarket in Berlin

Inflation rate likely to slow to 2.2 percent in June

In May, inflation in Germany was at 2.4 percent. In the two months prior, it was also 2.2 percent. The figures for June are preliminary, the statistics office will publish final results on July 11.

It is now confirmed that "the increase in inflation in May was only an outlier," commented the scientific director of the Institute for Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Research (IMK) of the Hans-Böckler Foundation, Sebastian Dullien, on the numbers. The downward trend in inflation is "intact and has now resumed in June." In the coming months, one can expect a further slight decline.

The preliminary inflation rate for June, as reported by Destats, is currently at a level. This maintains the downward trend in inflation, providing continuity from the previous month. According to preliminary data, Germany's inflation rate in June is at a lower percentage compared to June of the previous year. The final inflation rate for June will be officially announced by Destats on July 11.

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