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Industry in Remscheid pursues solutions for generating intense flames and heat

Frequently purchased yet questionable items

"Remscheid was the great metal forge of Germany."
"Remscheid was the great metal forge of Germany."

Industry in Remscheid pursues solutions for generating intense flames and heat

In Resemschied, a city of around 110,000 residents, nestled between Düsseldorf and Cologne, and encircled by numerous industries, Peter Heinze, the city's building director, mentions in an interview on ntv's new "Climate-Lab" that visitors to the companies will observe fire and feel the warmth of manufacturing. These products are still sought after globally. However, steel forges and tool manufacturers recognize that in order to sell their goods around the world in the future, they must upgrade or switch their energy systems and furnaces. Yet, this is challenging in the heavy industry, as viable alternatives are scarce, immature, or costly. Despite the binding Heating Law, Remeschied plans to confront this task with ingenuity and significant investments. Heinze is in favor of building heat pumps, like those offered by Vaillant.

When discussing Remeschied with its residents, one rarely hears positive sentiments: the city is allegedly outdated, yet to catch up with Cologne and Düsseldorf. Is this accurate?

Peter Heinze: No. Resemschied is an industrial city, with many car suppliers and metal industries. It is the tool city. When you walk through the factories, you witness the flames and feel the heat of metal processing. These products are still desirable on the world market. Therefore, Resemschied is a contemporary production site, not a relic.

Were mini screwdrivers then distributed to festival-goers at the Future Cleantech Festivals?

Indeed. These tools are reliable and long-lasting, emblematic of Resemschied's industrial prowess. The company Kirschen, for example, crafts files and planes for carpenters, now with trendy wood handles made from reclaimed skateboards. And as we discovered at the festival, they're even beginning to manufacture musical instruments from them.

A production of the world's best guitars?

Correct. It's intriguing to observe how the companies adapt to such innovations and secure lasting new customers for their products. Despite the more obscure perception, Resemschied hosts premier companies in the fields of mechanical engineering, with relatively clean manufacturing.

How do you explain why many Resemschiers perceive their city negatively?

We are witnessing a shift away from direct production in Germany, with manufacturing now primarily occurring in China. Resemschied houses niche products or companies that have progressed to high-end solutions, like in the automotive supplier industry. There are also firms that have fundamentally transformed, such as Vaillant with its introduction of the heat pump. Unfortunately, these changes may sometimes be overlooked. Of course, some factories have pollution issues. But approaching such challenges with innovative spirit and engineering finesse can lead to further development and on-site production.

Do you seek greater support from the federal government in Berlin for your attempts to modernize the economy?

There is a general tendency to focus on other issues, like the service industry and digitalization. Both are important, but so is production, which contributes significantly to economic development. The tangible results can be touched and utilized at a later stage, providing long-term value. Preserving the ability to create handmade items should be a cultural goal. This discussion is crucial.

Do you want to maintain production in Germany?

Resemschied was once the primary metal forging site in Germany, with much production relocated. Only the high-quality and competitive firms remain. Now, they face challenges in terms of image and fierce competition. This should be acknowledged, rather than distorted, that craftsmanship offers value in itself, and we should strive to continue benefiting from it.

However, where would you like the economy to progress? We are at a clean technology festival, and traditional industries often rely on natural gas, have high energy consumption, and produce emissions.

The festival demonstrates that the economy is enthusiastically embracing sustainability-related topics. Remarkably, many companies from Resemschied actively participate and support the event. Thus, its success stems from the fact that the subjects pertain to us. Companies like Dirostahl reveal a strong willingness to produce with less CO2. However, reducing CO2 in heavy industries, such as those that rely on gas to heat metals, is far more difficult than in other sectors, as alternative technologies are still under development or unfeasible. Dirostahl manufactures large components for wind turbines, which themselves have high energy requirements.

Are the companies also investing in Resemschied and new technologies?

Certainly. Resemschied is an undiscovered center of innovation, a trait that has long been present. Recently, the NRW Bank confirmed that companies in Resemschied make heavy investments in research and development. Over the past 15 years, these investments have more than doubled. In the Bergisch City Triangle, they now amount to 900 million euros. It could be that the region is characterized by understated communication about its positive aspects.

Wouldn't it be prudent to highlight these achievements more frequently? Due to climate protection measures, there's a sense of despair among some that the German economic location is losing ground.

Two hearts pulsate within me, as I grapple with the new norm. For harmony with the evolving socio-cultural climate, the buzzwords are "Heating Law" and "Energy Transition". They are not just concepts anymore; they're reality. I need to clarify why, according to building regulations, an object must be warmed to 65% using sustainable energy sources. This surge in costs is inevitable. It's a profound transformation that initially imposes stringent regulations and burdens the construction sector just as much as escalating interest rates. It'd be prudent if federal and state politics collaborate to address this issue in a manner that is sensible for the construction industry and property owners.

As an FDP member governing with a traffic light coalition like Berlin, how is the implementation of the Heating Law progressing in Remscheid?Are we embroiled in the same disagreements?

Progress is smooth, thankfully. We avoid public disputes and they are rare. It's simpler in a municipal setting than in Berlin, as public opinion isn't as influential. Now, we're mandated to conduct heating planning and are working to find a solution - my fellow municipal representative, a CDU member, is spearheading this. Particularly for heat pumps, we have a local manufacturer, Vaillant, in Remscheid, so I advocate for their installation as frequently as possible (chuckles).

Did it grate on you that the FDP showed strong resistance to the heat pump in Berlin?

We require local solutions to create a practical energy balance in buildings. I find it deeply regrettable that we don't have answers yet for financing, enabling investors and property owners to promptly access heat pumps. However, regardless of the legislative landscape, cooperation between administration and city council is necessary to execute such projects. That's the secret. We must not allow ourselves to divide. Although it may sound trivial, it usually results in citizen satisfaction.

Clara Pfeffer and Christian Herrmann chatted with Peter Heinze. The conversation was condensed and polished for easier comprehension. You can listen to the complete chat in the podcast "Klima-Labor".

Peter Heinze is an alderman for urban development, construction and economic development in the city of Remscheid and has been a member of the FDP since 2022. As in Berlin, the city is governed by traffic lights.

Read also:

  1. The steel and tool manufacturers in Remscheid, with the support of federal policies like the Heating Law, are aiming to upgrade or switch their energy systems and furnaces, using alternatives like Vaillant's heat pumps, to meet the global demand for lower emissions products.
  2. The metal industry in Remscheid is a significant contributor to the region's economy, with companies like Kirschen producing high-quality tools with eco-friendly materials, such as reclaimed skateboards for carpenters and musical instruments.
  3. In North Rhine-Westphalia, cities like Remscheid, known as an industrial hub, are investing heavily in research and development, with companies making over 900 million euros in R&D investments over the past 15 years.
  4. Despite the challenges posed by the Heating Law and the energy transition, the steel and metal industry in Remscheid is adapting by exploring clean technologies, such as Dirostahl's plan to reduce CO2 emissions in wind turbine component manufacturing.

