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Individual thunderstorms threaten

Individual thunderstorms may form in warm and humid temperatures, with hail in some places. The weather will calm down towards the evening - but new thunderstorms may develop during the night on Friday.

Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.
Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.

Weather - Individual thunderstorms threaten

In Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, thunderstorms are threatened from Thursday afternoon onwards, primarily from the Palatinate to the Westerwald. According to the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach, then fine hail and heavy rain with 15 to 25 liters per square meter in a short time may fall. Locally, heavy rain with amounts up to 40 liters per square meter and hail with a diameter of two centimeters cannot be ruled out. The thunderstorm tendency is expected to decrease in the evening, according to the forecast.

On Thursday morning, according to DWD, individual cloud formations will pass through, followed by the formation of some denser cloud banks. It will be warm and muggy with temperatures reaching 27 to 32 degrees Celsius, 25 degrees Celsius in the Eifel heights, as the meteorologists reported. The sky will then be partly cloudy to overcast in the night to Friday, before the shower and thunderstorm activity in the second half of the night revives from the west. The lowest temperatures will be between 19 degrees Celsius in larger cities and 14 degrees Celsius in the Eifel valleys.

Weather forecast RLP/Saar

In the forecast for Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, the German Weather Service warns of potential thunderstorms originating from the Westerwald towards the Palatinate starting from midday. Despite the threats, Offenbach's DWD predicts warm and muggy conditions with temperatures reaching up to 32 degrees Celsius on Thursday. Interestingly, the DWD in Offenbach also anticipates fine hail and heavy rain in these regions, potentially up to 25 liters per square meter in a short time. Despite the severe weather warnings, the thunderstorm tendency is expected to decrease in the evening.

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