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Individual sustains injuries during a physical altercation involving knives.

Two individuals engage in alcohol consumption together and later visit one of their girlfriends' residences. The encounter concludes with two individuals sustaining injuries and one individual being apprehended by law enforcement.

Attempting to divide the male population, a woman sustained minor injuries (Illustrative image)
Attempting to divide the male population, a woman sustained minor injuries (Illustrative image)

- Individual sustains injuries during a physical altercation involving knives.

A 34-year-old fellow had a serious knife wound on his hand due to a disagreement in the Werra-Meißner district. The North Hesse Police Headquarters reported this on Sunday following an emergency operation. The suspected attacker, a 43-year-old, was apprehended close to the crime scene in Hessisch-Lichtenau on Saturday night.

It seems that the two initially shared drinks. Late in the evening, they both visited the girlfriend of the injured man. A squabble broke out, and the 43-year-old pulled out a knife, threatening the other person. When the 29-year-old lady tried to break up the argument, she got minor injuries from shallow cuts on her hand. The 34-year-old man sustained severe wounds.

The medical report on the 34-year-old's hand injury was found to be quite accurate, reflecting the depth and severity of the knife wound. Despite the accusations, the 43-year-old's version of events was not found to be completely accurate during the police investigation.

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