Altercations or Physical Attacks Occurrence Reported - Individual sustains grave bullet wound in Berlin's streets.
On a Saturday night in Berlin-Moabit, a 23-year-old man ended up in the hospital after being shot. While his condition was serious, authorities confirmed he wasn't in critical danger. This information was given in response to inquiries and aligned with reports from both "BZ" and "Bild". The shooter's identity remains a mystery, and the motive behind the shooting is still unclear. Initial rumors linking the incident to the evening's Euro football match between Italy and Albania (2:1) were not supported by the police. Later, the police declined to comment further on the case when questioned.
"BZ" report "Bild" report (rephrased)
Read also:
The shooting incident in Berlin-Moabit occurred in the heart of Germany's capital. Despite the tense atmosphere surrounding Germany's Euro football match against Albania, there's no concrete evidence linking the incident to the game.