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Individual suffering severe harm during tree cutting operation

A person intends to cut down a tree. Upon the tree's descent, the laborer loses balance. The uprooted tree subsequently moved towards the individual who had fallen on the ground.

An Aircraft Carrying Seriously Wounded Forest Laborer was Dispatched to the Hospital. (Symbol...
An Aircraft Carrying Seriously Wounded Forest Laborer was Dispatched to the Hospital. (Symbol Image)

- Individual suffering severe harm during tree cutting operation

An elderly gentleman of 72 years was pinned beneath a collapsing tree in a woodland surrounds Breitenbrunn, which falls under the District of Unterallgäu. The father-son duo had ventured into felling a tree infected with bark beetles, as per authorities. The elderly man had inserted a wedge into the tree's trunk on that fateful Friday.

As the tree started to sway and fall, the man attempted to scramble away but fell, becoming trapped beneath the falling trunk. The elderly individual sustained serious injuries and required air transport to a medical facility. His 34-year-old son was mentally distressed in the aftermath of the incident and sought medical attention as well.

The elderly gentleman's unfortunate incident resulted in significant damage, making it a regrettable series of accidents during the tree felling episode. Due to the serious injuries sustained, the medical facility had to deploy an air ambulance for his transportation.

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