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Individual succumbs to a fall from a towering structure, suffering significant harm.

An individual experiences a tumble during his roof work at the warehouse, resulting in a serious impact that necessitates medical attention.

An individual experienced a five-meter drop during his occupation at a warehouse situated in Lower...
An individual experienced a five-meter drop during his occupation at a warehouse situated in Lower Bavaria.

- Individual succumbs to a fall from a towering structure, suffering significant harm.

A person tumbled off the top of their warehouse situated in Landshut's Bavarian area, named Adlkofen. According to the police's statement, this individual was engaged in the process of re-tiling the structure when they slipped and plummeted approximately 16 feet, crashing onto a solid concrete base. Their impact was on their back. Medical professionals quickly transported the injured person to the hospital.

The incident occurred in the Landshut district, specifically in Adlkofen, where the warehouse is located. Due to the fall, the person now requires medical attention in a hospital within the Landshut district.

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