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Individual fined 7500 euros for offending a government official.

Politicians, particularly those belonging to the Greens, have faced verbal and sometimes physical attacks in recent months. One such instance has now escalated to the legal system.

Euro banknotes lie on a table.
Euro banknotes lie on a table.

Refining the Procedure: Turning Conceptions into Reality - Individual fined 7500 euros for offending a government official.

A man in his early thirties was slapped with a hefty fine of 7,500 euros by the Augsburg District Court, following harsh verbal attacks on a Green Party member of the Bavarian parliament and other individuals. This all occurred at a party stand just before the state election in September. He targeted the parliamentarian, Cemal Bozoğlu, calling him a "complete idiot" and using worse vocabulary.

Not only the politician was his victim, a passerby and three police officers were also subjected to the man's venomous words, being labelled as "degenerate lackeys."

During the trial, the defendant owned up to all the accusations. He was clearly against the Greens' politics and his actions were triggered by online articles. While intoxicated on that day, he had consumed a few beers. In the courtroom, while a police officer who testified was called forth, the man expressed regret over his conduct. "I had a tough day and let it out on many people. I'm sorry," he admitted.

The judge seemed to take a positive view of the fact that the defendant had written an email to Bozoğlu the following day, seeking an apology. However, it was made clear to the defendant that if he were to commit such an offense again, he can expect to serve time in prison. Judge Matthias Nickolai also considered the 150 days of community service he had to endure as punishment for a previous drunk driving conviction. The ruling was instantaneous.

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