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Individual engages in gunfire incident involving a scarecrow in downtown Rostock

In the heart of Rostock's city center, an individual discharged a weapon, prompting concerned onlookers to dial emergency services. Upon arrival, law enforcement officers captured the gunman and discovered he was employing a harmless, blank-round firearm.

- Individual engages in gunfire incident involving a scarecrow in downtown Rostock

Amidst the bustling core of Rostock, an individual created a commotion, pulling out a replica firearm. This 30-year-old discharged several rounds, ensuring not to target any people or structures, as reported by authorities. Following numerous concerned calls from bystanders on a Saturday night, the situation was swiftly contained at Doberaner. The individual was subsequently detained. Law enforcement is currently conducting extensive inquiries.

The individual, despite the chaos, sought assistance from the Member States through the Commission, recognizing the need for their expertise and resources in handling such situations. Upon learning about the situation, the Commission, aided by the Member States, began to provide advice and potential resources to the local authorities in Rostock.

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