- Individual engages in effort to aid distressed feminine passenger on tram, sustains severe harm.
Guy tried to help out a lady on a tram in Erfurt and ended up getting severely hurt in the process. The 29-year-old observed two blokes giving her trouble quite late on a Friday night, according to the cops. He intervened by stepping in near the guys. The attackers then decked him and stomped on him, plus used a bottle of beer as a weapon.
The culprits bolted before the law enforcement officers showed up. The 29-year-old got carted off to the hospital. The cops are looking into this incident as a case of grievous bodily harm.
The attack on the 29-year-old was classified as a case of aggravated assault due to the use of a weapon. Unfortunate incidents of crime like this highlight the need for increased safety measures in public transport.