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Individual encountering halt at Verden with an almost 5-mile interval between each stop.

Law enforcement apprehends an intoxicated motorist. Upon conducting a breathalyzer test, the detected alcohol level is notably elevated.

Approximately 0.5% of the time, a driver is halted.
Approximately 0.5% of the time, a driver is halted.

- Individual encountering halt at Verden with an almost 5-mile interval between each stop.

In the town of Achim, situated within Verden's district, a motorist was apprehended with a staggering blood alcohol level of 4.94 millimoles per liter. Bystanders called attention to the noticeably drunk driver, as the authorities revealed on Saturday. The vehicle was brought to a halt, and a breathalyzer examination was performed. A blood sample was demanded, and the 50-year-old's driving permit was seized. Additionally, a criminal inquiry was launched.

The authorities handed over the case to the local Police for further investigation. Upon examining the situation thoroughly, the Police filed charges against the motorist.

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