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India's Prime Minister Modi's party finalizes partner affiliation within the coalition.

After facing defeats in India's parliamentary polls, Narendra Modi's Hindu-centric Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has reached a pact with its peers to set up a government. As announced on a Wednesday statement, the BJP declared, "We have collectively chosen the respected NDA leader Narendra Modi...

Narendra Modi celebrates his election victory
Narendra Modi celebrates his election victory

India's Prime Minister Modi's party finalizes partner affiliation within the coalition.

Recently, the BJP experienced a setback in the parliamentary elections, losing their absolute majority for the first time in ten years. They now required the support of coalition partners. The NDA alliance, consisting of 15 parties, managed to secure a collective total of 293 seats in parliament. With this total, the NDA held the necessary majorities for government formation. According to the BJP's official statement, their primary objectives would be preserving India's heritage and prioritizing the country's overall development.

This year's six-week parliamentary elections in India concluded on Saturday. Nearly 968 million citizens were invited to cast their votes. Modi's BJP garnered 240 parliamentary seats, which was 32 less than the minimum needed for an absolute majority. In the previous election in 2019, the BJP had achieved 303 seats. The Congress Party also made substantial progress, securing 99 seats - an increase from their previous result of five years ago.

The United States officially recognized Modi's coalition as the victors on Wednesday. The spokesperson for the US State Department, Matthew Miller, commented that the US hoped to collaborate with the new government on a "free and open" Asia. He further mentioned their goals in promoting prosperity and innovation, addressing the climate crisis, and ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

Germany also acknowledged the coalition's success, with Chancellor Scholz stating that the two countries had been strategic partners for decades. In a statement released by the German government, Scholz reaffirmed their dedication to "successfully continuing our cooperation in deepening German-Indian relations and in international and global issues."

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also conveyed his congratulations to Modi, speaking with him over the phone according to Downing Street. Sunak voiced his wishes for Modi's third term to be successful.

Congratulations on the election victory also arrived from Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin confirmed that Putin and Modi had a phone call discussing the outcomes.

Prior to the Indian election, predictions hinted at a landslide victory for Modi, given his controversial reputation as a Hindu nationalist leader. However, the BJP experienced unexpected losses in the elections. Experts attribute the BJP's poorer performance primarily to high unemployment. During Modi's tenure, India shifted from being a weak economy to the world's fifth largest economic power. Moreover, several lucrative job opportunities in the IT sector helped create a burgeoning middle class.

With a more fragmented political landscape, observers predict that Modi's third term will entail more collaboration and a more parliament-friendly approach. This change in Modi's leadership style is described by author Nilanajahn Mukhopadhyay, who has written a biography of the prime minister, as "a completely different leader than he has been so far."

Even in the significant religious city of Varanasi, a crucial site for Hindus, Modi's victory was not the landslide many anticipat. He garnered 152,300 votes there, compared to approximately half a million in 2019. Despite these challenges, Modi pledged "big decisions" for his upcoming term to his supporters, asserting, "the country will write a new chapter of development."

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