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Independent voters attack CDU after AfD candidate's victory

Following the election of the AfD candidate as mayor of Pirna, the Free Voters of Saxony have sharply criticized the CDU. Thomas Weidinger, head of the Free Voters in Saxony, said that the CDU had failed to back the Free Voters' candidate, who came second after the first round of voting....

Pirna - Independent voters attack CDU after AfD candidate's victory

Following the election of the AfD candidate as mayor of Pirna, the Free Voters of Saxony have sharply criticized the CDU. Thomas Weidinger, head of the Free Voters in Saxony, said that the CDU had failed to back the Free Voters' candidate, who came second after the first round of voting. "Instead, by running the CDU candidate again, they deliberately accepted the risk of playing the stool pigeon for the AfD."

Tim Lochner was the first AfD candidate to win a mayoral election in Germany on Sunday. According to the provisional final result, the 53-year-old received around 38.5 percent of the vote. He was followed by Kathrin Dollinger-Knuth(CDU) with around 31.4 percent and the independent Ralf Thiele with around 30.1 percent, who ran for the Free Voters. In the first round, the AfD candidate was clearly ahead with just under 33% of the vote. He was followed by Thiele with 23.2 percent and Dollinger-Knuth with 20.3 percent.

Weidinger emphasized that the CDU had dropped the mask and was not too embarrassed to be supported by the SPD, Greens and Left Party in order to achieve its goal. "People can now see that the statements made by Minister President Kretschmer cannot be believed. His bashing of the Greens is not credible."

Election results

Read also:

  1. Ralf Thiele, a prominent figure in the Free Voters of Saxony, expressed his disappointment with the CDU's decision to run their candidate in the second round of elections in Pirna, despite the Free Voters' candidate being the second highest scorer in the first round.
  2. The dispute between the Free Voters and the CDU in Pirna has garnered attention, with Kathrin Dollinger-Knuth, the CDU candidate, finishing second behind Tim Lochner of the AfD in the mayoral elections.
  3. Following the elections in Saxony's municipality of Pirna, Free Voter leader Thomas Weidinger criticized the CDU for backing the AfD-supported candidate over their own, arguing that the CDU allowed itself to be used as a pawn by the right-wing party.
  4. In a surprising turn of events in the Saxon elections, Ralf Thiele, a representative of the Free Voters, came in third place in the mayoral race in Pirna, only slightly behind the CDU's Kathrin Dollinger-Knuth.
  5. The controversy surrounding the mayoral election in Pirna has not gone unnoticed in other Saxon municipalities, with the CDU facing criticism from the Free Voters and other parties for potentially ceding ground to the controversial AfD party.


