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Increasing Incidents of Racial Slurs in Lower Saxony

Sylt's racist slogans grabbed attention in Germany. Similar incidents are increasing now.

Ein Schild weist den Weg zu einem Schützenhaus.
Ein Schild weist den Weg zu einem Schützenhaus.

Far-right radical ideologies - Increasing Incidents of Racial Slurs in Lower Saxony

Two new instances of racist chants have surfaced in Lower Saxony, Germany, both occurring over the weekend. According to police, in Emmerke near Hildesheim, individuals shouted the discriminatory phrases "Germany for the Germans" and "Foreigners out" on a sports field at night on Saturday. Officers arrived at the scene to find no traces of the perpetrators.

Similarly, during a multi-day shooting festival in Altendorf north of Wolfsburg, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, racist slogans were allegedly sung. Attendees reportedly showed this behavior during the song "L'amour toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino. The board of the shooting club denounced this incident on Facebook, expressing their lack of acceptance and willingness to take actions.

Furthermore, the state protection is now also investigating in Ostfriesland due to the suspicion of incitement to hatred. At a party in Emden, partygoers sang racist slogans to the tune of "L'amour toujours" in the night of Saturday to Sunday. The police have a recording of this. Earlier, the "Ostfriesen-Zeitung" had reported about this.

Just last week, a similar incident was reported in Löningen, west of Cloppenburg, during a shooting festival at Pentecost. The board of the shooting club will discuss the consequences on Monday evening. The expulsion of members involved in the chants is being discussed. The shooting club Bunnen publicly distanced itself from the event, acknowledging the damage to its image.

Just a few days ago, a similar incident took place on the North Sea island of Sylt, generating widespread attention across the nation. A video emerged showing visitors to a bar singing "Foreigners out" and "Germany for the Germans" to the tune of the party hit "Ausländer raus". The state protection is investigating this situation. At least two individuals depicted in the video have since lost their jobs.

Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) expressed concern, stating that "this shows with what overconfidence and impudence the opponents of our democracy are now appearing." She claims that this spread of "this despicable mindset" is not just harmless party fun. The Interior Minister, along with other SPD interior ministers and ministers, convened in Ohrdruf near Gotha in Thuringia to discuss better protection for democratic institutions and politicians against anti-democratic attacks and influence.

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