- Increased number of judicial proceedings initiated at the Fulda Regional Court
The Criminal Court in Fulda experienced a substantial uptick in incoming criminal cases last year, going from 33 in 2022 to 42. Remarkably, the number of concluded criminal cases also surged, shifting from 30 to 40. The expansion of the judicial staff in Hesse reportedly influenced this positive shift, enabling the establishment of an extra criminal courtroom at the Fulda Criminal Court, as stated by President Jochen Müller.
These cases not only multiplied but also escalated in intricacy, according to Müller. This trend is attributed to the rising amount of data that can be extracted from digital devices such as phones and computers during trials.
Criminal case submissions returning to pre-pandemic rates
A consistent upward trend was also detected at the Fulda Municipal Court. The number of criminal case submissions escalated from 725 in 2021 to 822 in 2022 and subsequently reached 869 last year. The court president explained that the lifting of the Corona pandemic led to a surge in crime.
He attributed this, in part, to the resumption of activities where physical altercations often ensue, leading to incidents of bodily harm that ultimately end up in court. Presently, the number of case submissions is approximating the pre-pandemic levels, as reported by the court president.
The following trends at the Fulda Municipal Court are not limited to the Criminal Court: the number of criminal case submissions has been steadily increasing, returning to pre-pandemic rates. This surge in case submissions can be linked, in part, to the resumption of activities that often result in physical altercations and subsequent court cases.