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Increased hospital admissions in Schleswig-Holstein

In the previous year, more individuals sought medical attention in Schleswig-Holstein hospitals compared to 2022. However, the scenario contrasts significantly from the year preceding the COVID-19 pandemic.

The hospital patient count in Schleswig-Holstein witnessed a 3% rise in 2023.
The hospital patient count in Schleswig-Holstein witnessed a 3% rise in 2023.

- Increased hospital admissions in Schleswig-Holstein

In the healthcare facilities of Schleswig-Holstein, around 534,000 individuals sought inpatient care in 2023. This number signifies a 3% growth from the year prior, as per the Statistics North agency's reports. However, compared to 2019, the year preceding the COVID-19 outbreak, there was a 10% drop.

The typical bed occupancy rate in 2023 stood at 73.8%, higher than the previous year's 70.7%, yet lower than the pre-pandemic period's 78.6% in 2019. On average, patients spent 7.8 days undergoing treatment in 2023, a slight decrease from the previous year's 7.9 days, but a slight increase from 2019's 7.6 days.

The statistics account for patients who were admitted multiple times, while healthy newborns are excluded from these figures as they are not documented in this specific section of hospital statistics.

The Statistics North agency's reports reveal a 3% increase in inpatient care seekers in 2023 compared to the previous year, as mentioned in ['The statistics']. Despite this, a significant 10% drop was observed in 2023 compared to the pre-COVID-19 year of 2019, also recorded in ['The statistics'].

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